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SAAC Show–Mi Line Booth

Great salespeople have one thing in common—they know how to talk to
prospects in an effective manner. They are able to carry on meaningful
conversations with anyone, because they are well versed on a variety
of topics. The best sales performers don’t need to use “scripts,” since
they posses a diverse range of knowledge that enables them to exchange
information in all situations. 

Having the ability to talk to everyone about anything will allow you to do the following things: 

1. Distinguish buyers from lookers

Easily identify good prospects

3. Become more efficient

4. Eliminate rejection

These four points are the building blocks of selling. If you master them,
your sales performance will increase dramatically. By being proficient
at social interaction, you are putting yourself far ahead of your competition.

The use of electronic media has diminished the art of verbal communication.
What was once second nature to almost everyone–feeling comfortable in
conversations–now seems impossible for many people. Some salespeople
have such difficulty communicating with prospects that they simply go
through the motions.

 Some people believe that you are either born a
‘natural’ talker or not, but nothing can be further from the truth.

In reality, good conversationalists work at honing this life skill all the time.