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Are you Gesticulating too Much?

During sales presentations, your inner voice may be
asking if you are gesticulating too much!

Just so you know, here is the definition of the term:
make gestures: to move the arms or hands when speaking,
or express something with movements of the arms or hands.

If you find yourself doing this, then you may be sidetracked
and start wondering if you are saying the appropriate things
that are needed to close the sale.

The best way to get over this feeling is to recall why someone
from your past intimidated you and why they do not anymore.

Perhaps, you thought that a person was smarter than they really were,
or found out later that someone you knew presented a gruff attitude
to mask their insecurity.

By visualizing how you overcome your fear then, you will
regain your composure and proceed with the sale in a calm
and collected manner!

Apprehension in manageable amounts is an excellent source of self
motivation and gives you the chance to be better prepared in selling

The feeling also puts you on edge just enough so that you do not take new
or current customers for granted.

By being slightly uneasy, you are making sure that you are at your best
during presentations.

Your uneasiness forces you to plan your actions in a way that confidence
ignores and forces you to make sure that everything
is in order.

If you find something amiss during preparation, you have the chance to
make changes that are necessary to make your pitch perfect.

When directed properly, a manageable