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Always Use Dependable Suppliers!

When you visit suppliers at shows, ask the person that greets you about the products they are featuring that day and what markets they are suited for.

If they don’t answer and return your question with a question asking
what industries that you specialize in, politely excuse yourself and leave the booth. Truly great companies don’t release products until they know who buys them, so don’t waste time with suppliers who lack sufficient product knowledge.

On another note, there is an amazing lack of follow by suppliers in this
industry. While at shows, on at least five hundred occasions, I have
visited suppliers and ordered catalogs or samples that have not been
sent to me for months.

By the time they show up, I have forgotten about the vendor and have no interest in selling their products. When visiting non-network suppliers, find out when they plan on sending the materials and if they say there is an extended time involved, forget this vendor and approach one that can expedite your request. Use the same policy when placing phone or e-mail sample requests!