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A Different Kind of Pen!

In the last two years, our sales of regular pens has decreased by
more than half, because we are now selling more stylus pens!

This product looks like standard pens, but includes a rubber knob
at the opposite end, that is used to punch out texts on phones
and tablets.

Because a knob is included, the item serves the needs of our pen
seeking clients, as well as those who are looking to buy
technology-oriented products.

This is a great product to sell to any customer!

The ability to qualify prospects quickly is essential if
You want to to maximize selling time and only spend time with
serious buyers!

When prospects send up red flags about their true level of
interest, you must be able to read the signs correctly. An
indication that a prospect is not focused on you might be a
response like “I have allot on my plate right now”.

A reply such as this and many others like it are used as
stalling tactics, and should tell you that you not receiving
focused attention from this individual.

When someone tries to lay the busy beaver complex on you,
kindly tell them to contact you if they ever need anything
and then move on to a better prospect!