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Zero out E-Mail Today!


That is the number of e-mails that I found in my Outlook
in-box today, compared with 517 that were in the same box
two weeks ago.

The smaller number is SO important because with almost zero
e-mails to look at each day, I now have the opportunity to
apply the required action to messages upon arrival, as
opposed to fishing through hundreds of older e-mails to
find ones that must be dealt with by certain dates.

To improve your e-mail sanity, create folders with titles
such as now, tomorrow, later, etc. When something shows up,
deal with it at once or move it to a file.

At the end of the day, look through the folders and take the
appropriate action that is needed with that correspondence.
By dealing with your e-mail this way, you will increase your
productivity considerably.

ZERO out your e-mail TODAY!