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Full Color Nail Files!

The easiest industry product to sell are full color nail files from FOTOFILES!

Everyone uses them and men won’t admit it, but they do, too, so no other item
features a wider audience than full color nail files.

Since FOTOFILES are printed in full color, they are perfect for clients who need
to show detailed information (including photos) of their products and services.

Please see below an image of our self-promotion file that we use daily to secure
orders for this product!

When discussing QR code marketing with prospects and customers,
please remember to let them know the code must be square and at
least 1 1/4” x 1 1/4″ in size in order to scan properly.

A neat trick in making codes look different from others is
to rotate them so they look like diamonds!

To assist your customers in expanding their QR marketing reach,
encourage them to not only print codes on products they buy from
you, but on collateral materials such as signs and brochures, too!

Distributors ask me all the time why there are so many different prices on can holders!

Some suppliers are priced higher than others and many people ask why they should pay more for what they think is basically the same product.

Please let me tell you that all can holders are not created equal! The higher priced ones are American made, usually have a more consistent imprint and delivered in a timely manner.

We buy can holders exclusively from American Zebra because they always
treat us right and I know Renee Maxey, the owner, very well, and she really cares about her customers.

A BIG mistake that many distributors make is allowing their ego to become part of the selling process. Even when orders offer tiny profits, sometimes they agree to sell them just to spite competitors!

We have all done this before and the sooner you remove your ego from the way you conduct business, the more time you will have to pursue orders that can be sold at respectful rates.

The biggest time waster of all is the effort spent filling out arduous bidding forms. Most distributors get confused when trying to figure out how much to charge and have no clue if they are giving too high a price, or one so low they are leaving money on the table.

To make sure that you don’t spend valuable time fretting over bidding, sell orders at prices they should be sold for–those published in the catalog.

Some distributors say they are forced to sell at lower prices in order to survive. There are occasions when special pricing is required to accommodate good customers and in those instances, just be honest and ask your contact what price they are willing to pay.

Ninety percent of the time when you do, they will reveal exactly what price they need!

Regardless of what some people say, there are hundreds of thousands of companies that are interested in placing orders based on service and quality.

Spend your time looking for them, not filling out bid sheets or shouting CHEAPER PRICES to your prospects. Suppliers put prices in their catalogs for a reason-so sell at those prices!